Crate hoprd_inbox

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This crate implements the functionality of the Message Inbox (MI) backend.

The MI works as a non-persistent storage of received HOPR packets categorized by the application tag. The application tag works as a distinguisher of applications running on top of the HOPR protocol, similarly like ports work in TCP or UDP. Application tag is represented by a 16-bit payload prefix and is built-in the HOPR protocol. If no tag is given, it defaults to 0.

The MI can use different backends, which must implement the InboxBackend trait.

§How InboxBackend works

The backend must ensure that both tagged and untagged messages can be pushed and poped to/from it. Backend can be persistent, but the current RingBufferInboxBackend is in-memory only.

The backend must have a finite capacity of messages, overwriting the oldest elements on push if the total capacity is reached. Messages can be poped by one (oldest first), or can be drained entirely using pop_all (sorted by oldest to latest). If application tag is specified on a pop/pop_all, only the messages of the given tag are retrieved. If no tag is specified, the messages are retrieved regardless the tag (pop retrieves the oldest message across all tags, pop_all retrieves all the messages from the entire backend sorted oldest to latest).

Finally, the backends must hold some sort of timestamp information of when each message was pushed. That’s because the backend must also support a purge operation which removes messages older than the given Unix timestamp.

§The Frontend

The MI has a front-end type MessageInbox, which is thin thread-safe wrapper over a selected backend. It contains choices of specific parameters: tag type is fixed as a 16-bit unsigned integer to correspond with core-packet, the message type is set to ApplicationData type.

The MessageInbox currently uses the RingBufferInboxBacked as its InboxBackend implementations. This backend is implemented as hash map (with application tag as a key) of ring-buffers of certain capacity N. Each bucket can therefore hold N messages which can be poped from oldest to newest. The maximum number of messages held in this instantiation of MI is therefore 65536 * N (unless some tags are excluded). Note that in this implementation N must be a power of 2.

Each push and pop operation is always followed by a purge call to evict expired entries.

The frontend has the ability to filter out certain application tags on push, so that they are ignored by the MI.


The Inbox instance is supposed to live a singleton in the hoprd application, and as messages arrive, they will be pushed into the inbox. The REST API can then access this singleton to pop messages per request.

For details on default configuration see MessageInboxConfiguration.


Contains configuration object for MessageInbox.
Defines the common traits and the MessageInbox type.
Implements ring-buffer based in-memory InboxBackend.

Type Aliases§

Alias type for message inbox.